If you are trying to raise some funds for an event, competition, tour, or exhibition, then a sponsorship proposal can help you to make your event successful. Nowadays, many businessmen avail the opportunity to do some good things for society by sponsoring events. A proposal is a formal offer to get responses from a businessman or the organization upon a unique idea or solution to the client’s problem. A sponsorship proposal means that the proposal giver is providing you the opportunity to do the marketing of your brand in an event against a specific amount that you will have to provide them to make the event successful.

Planning and organizing an event is a chaotic task. You need to manage all of the things in a defined period. The essential thing is the fundraising for the event. Without gathering the required funds, you cannot make the event successful and not even manage the guests. So this is the most important thing that you should never avoid while organizing an event.

You can prepare a sponsorship proposal to organize a football match, music event, cooking competition, exhibition, making a film, and so on. A sponsorship proposal should contain all the information accurately to get the deal. You can email a sponsorship proposal or present it in hard form after giving a presentation on the whole event to make it look effective and beneficial for everyone. Sending it through email is a less effective way to approach the sponsors.

Creating a sponsorship proposal is not a big deal. You can easily prepare one with the help of templates that are available on the internet. A template is a preformatted document in which you just have to put your data and your document is ready in a few minutes. But you have to choose the template very carefully according to the requirements. We have included 10 free and customizable sponsorship proposal templates below. These templates contain a cover page to make them look professional and elegant. A download button is available below all the templates on which you can click to download your desired template and you will have it in no time.

Free Sponsorship Proposal Templates:

Download these 10+ Free Sponsorship Proposal Templates to use for your own proposal writing.

Sponsorship Proposal Template 01
Sponsorship Proposal Template 01
Sponsorship Proposal Template 02
Sponsorship Proposal Template 02
Sponsorship Proposal Template 03
Sponsorship Proposal Template 03
Sponsorship Proposal Template 04
Sponsorship Proposal Template 04
Sponsorship Proposal Template 05
Sponsorship Proposal Template 05
Sponsorship Proposal Template 06
Sponsorship Proposal Template 06
Sponsorship Proposal Template 07
Sponsorship Proposal Template 07
Sponsorship Proposal Template 08
Sponsorship Proposal Template 08
Sponsorship Proposal Template 09
Sponsorship Proposal Template 09
Sponsorship Proposal Template 10
Sponsorship Proposal Template 10

Benefits of a Sponsorship Proposal:

Creating an excellent sponsorship proposal that attracts sponsors to be a part of the event is a very daunting task. But you can make this process easy by working smartly. By planning and designing your content accurately, you can form a perfect sponsorship proposal in a few minutes. A document is very beneficial in the business field. By using it you can easily convince others to provide funds and participate in the event. It provides you with the right path to raise the funds.

Mostly, the sponsorship proposal is a marketing deal where one party offers some opportunities to the other party in exchange for an amount. It is necessary to write everything concisely and the explanation that how it will be beneficial for the sponsors. Many people talk about themselves and their organization in a proposal, which is not a good thing. Instead of doing that they should focus on how their event will be beneficial for everyone.

Below we have listed some benefits of a sponsorship proposal:

  • A sponsorship proposal enables you to target the right audience effectively.
  • Helps you to easily elaborate on each point to the companies so they may provide funds after having a clear view of the whole event.
  • A sponsorship proposal enables you to portray the right picture to show the opportunities that the sponsor will have by being a part of the event.
  • With the help of a sponsorship proposal, you can quickly raise funds for the upcoming event.

Guidelines to Prepare a Perfect Sponsorship Proposal:

Focus on Opportunities:

Create a summary that focuses on the benefits of the event for the sponsors. Don’t write too many things and keep it concise. It should be clear enough that the reader can easily understand each point. Just give them a brief description to understand the opportunities they can avail of by being a part of the event.


The next important thing upon which you have to focus is the marketing objectives. Mention your marketing objectives clearly in the proposal. This section includes the business goals and the benefits.

Show Statistics:

Do all the calculations to measure the success rate of the event. Streamline all the milestones that you can accomplish as a result of organizing the event.

Write all the facts and figures to make things clear to all the sponsors so they can understand the value of the event.

Value of the Sponsor:

This is the common question that is asked by the sponsors to know what is in this event for them. How this event will be beneficial for their brand? Explain everything to them so they can decide quickly to be a part of it. Mention how much it will benefit the sponsors and in which ways.

Add Marketing Edges:

You should provide good market incentives to meet the objectives and the expectations of the sponsors. Write the total number of audience, target audience, age, gender, values, etc in the proposal. Write all the marketing edges that the sponsors will have by providing the funds.

Show Levels of Sponsorships:

You must create the categories that the sponsor will have according to the amount of funds they will provide for the event. Therefore, you will have several sponsors. More sponsors mean more funds.

Include Terms and Conditions:

Don’t forget to add the terms and conditions in the sponsorship proposal document. In this section, you should include the cost per sponsorship, the time frame, payment terms, details of insurance, liabilities, etc. These terms and conditions will reduce the risk of future conflicts. So you must add them to make everything clear before making a deal with the sponsor.

10+ Free Sponsorship Proposal Templates